Other than online Payment Gateway, you can also pay us the following ways :

  1. In our ICICI Bank A/c No 340705000057 (Himachal Travels). IFSC Code: ICIC0003407 by Cheque/NEFT/IMPS/UPI. A cash payment will involve Rs.50 deduction.
  2. Via UPI – sahilsharma0600-1@oksbi Gpay paytm phone pay number 9779888766 Sahil sharma

If you are outside India, Invoice request can be sent to myhpcab@gmail.com for payment by Credit Card.

Please intimate us telephonically (97798 88766) or by email (only to myhpcab@gmail.com.com once you make the payment. Also payments by cheques/NEFT/IMPS/UPI etc. are subject to realization