Book Chandigarh to Ajmer Sharif taxi service With HPCAB at lowest price. We provide taxi service from Chandigarh for both one way and return journey. Under this, customers can book Ajmer One Way Sedan Car from Chandigarh for Rs 6700 and Hatchback Car from Arya cab for Rs 6000. The distance from Chandigarh to Ajmer is approximately 601 kms and it takes 10hr 15 mins to travel by car. Chandigarh to Ajmer Sharif taxi service

Chandigarh to Ajmer Sharif taxi service

delhi to una taxi service

HPCAB has been operating taxi services for more than 20 years. From the very beginning, we strive to ensure that we provide quality Word Class Cab services on time. HPCAB provides you good taxi option for comfortable journey from Chandigarh to Ajmer Taxi and any other preferred destination. It is very easy to book Ajmer cab from Chandigarh as our cab booking process is very simple you can book cab through call.

Chandigarh to Ajmer Sharif taxi Fare

A/C SEDANDEZIR, XCENT4Starts from ₹ 9699/=
A/C MUVERTIGA,6Starts from ₹ 13099/=
A/C SUVINNOVA, MARAZZO6Starts from ₹ 15099/=
A/C SUVINNOVA CRYSTA6Starts from ₹ 18099/=



Tags: Chandigarh to Ajmer Sharif cab, Chandigarh to Ajmer Sharif taxi, Chandigarh to Ajmer Sharif taxi fare, Chandigarh to Ajmer Sharif taxi service

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